What’s a Weighted Decision Matrix?
31 October 2022
31 October 2022
19 December 2022
5 June 2023
Mark Holst-Mikkelsen
6 March 2023
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.
As a profession, there are many modes of thought in developing and executing strategic plans. Some planners include all ongoing or “keep the lights on” activities in the plan along with continuous improvement initiatives. But Brightline’s research...
The approach to strategy implementation in the executive suite and boardrooms is old-fashioned, manual, and not tangible. The time has come to end years of stagnation in the executive suite and modernize strategic leadership. The fact is that every...
Strategic corporate governance balances the interests of a company's many stakeholders with those of the community in a responsible manner.
When Tom Peters, at the end of the 1970s, announced that we should move beyond the matrix organization to match accelerating business environments, he was a real visionary. It was not until much more recently that we hear about the death of...
Two experts in the strategic management field, Bjarni Jonsson and Flemming Videriksen, grew weary of seeing one leadership team after another throw millions out the window by not implementing the great plans they had made. This seemed to be more or...
For decades the emphasis has been on creating the right strategy! However, when it is time to execute the right strategy, all the energy has been drained and daily operations demand all available resources.
Over the past years we have seen unprecedented changes in the world, which have transformed the business landscape in which organizations operate.
As a leader, most likely you have come across the term Key Performance Indicator, or KPI. However, it might not be clear what a KPI really is, why it is important and how it could be crafted to provide the right insight. As with other well-known...
In our previous blog about strategy getting lost in implementation, we stressed that the strategy process must be a conscious and cohesive one, with measurable results. The challenge is to align the strategy—the what and why—with the...
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.