The Strategy Revolution

Two experts in the strategic management field, Bjarni Jonsson and Flemming Videriksen, grew weary of seeing one leadership team after another throw millions out the window by not implementing the great plans they had made. This seemed to be more or less normal procedure. Jonsson and Videriksen founded DecideAct and developed enterprise software for implementing and monitoring strategy. Their goal was to put strategy accounting on par with financial accounting and become the globally preferred enterprise solution in the field.
“At DecideAct, we decided to put an end to this insanity and make strategies walk the talk. Having worked for more than 20 years as strategic consultants formulating strategies for all sorts of businesses, we grew frustrated seeing so many of them get lost in implementation. That’s why we have devoted the last five years to mapping and understanding the mechanics of successful strategy implementation.”
We took this knowledge and teamed up with some of the leading tech developers in Europe; the result is our groundbreaking new digital tool. DecideAct software revolutionizes the way strategy is implemented, monitored and tracked."
Companies should take their strategy as seriously as their finances. Bjarni Jonsson says: “Organizations of all kinds take financial planning and monitoring very seriously. Mature organizations have a rigorous budgeting process and monitor results against budget at least monthly. They look for deviations and make corrections before things get out of hand.
Could you imagine these organizations trying to operate without such systems and procedures?
Could you imagine every unit using their own methods to monitor results, using huge spreadsheets (with the ensuing risk of errors) or their own sort of bookkeeping systems? Would that work at all?
NO, of course not!”
What does DecideAct do for executives to help them at monitoring strategies?
Flemming Videriksen says: “DecideAct is designed for leaders who want an active approach to strategy and are serious about implementing it. The software tool closes the gap between design and implementation, offering complete transparency and implementation overview. It is built to navigate in complexity, offering effective governance over one of the most important aspects of any company: its strategy!”
DecideAct features in a nutshell for monitoring strategy
DecideAct monitors the strategy’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against targets, as well as the use of funds allocated to initiatives against budget. It is built like a financial accounting system, designed to track all the parameters of actual strategic performance against the plan throughout the organization, automatically.
DecideAct has extensive capabilities of drill-down and aggregation through all levels of the strategy and organization. It can link multiple strategies to get an overall result for top management and boards, as well as detailed view as needed for managers and other accountable persons.
DecideAct supports all strategic frameworks such as Balanced Score Card, Pillars and Critical Success Factors, and Objectives and Key Result, as well as strategic hierarchies customized by the user. It interfaces seamlessly with Enterprise Resource Planning systems.
Complete overview
DecideAct provides a complete overview of strategic initiatives on an easy-to-use dashboard accessible at any time and from anywhere. It creates a visual representation of data and creates reports accordingly.
Smart algorithms ensure automated follow-ups. The tool knows when it’s time to give a team member a friendly nudge, or to request a report from an associate. No longer any need for endless meetings just for simple follow-ups!
Performance/KPI Monitor
DecideAct is used to monitoring strategy and KPIs using a range of statistics, in much the same way your accounting system monitors financials. It continuously tracks progress in the background and highlights issues before it is too late.
If you want to know how your KPIs are performing, we have the perfect test for you!
“We want to revolutionize the way strategy is implemented, monitored and tracked, which really starts with taking it seriously.”
—Bjarni Jonsson and Flemming Videriksen, DecideAct founders