What’s a Weighted Decision Matrix?
31 October 2022
31 October 2022
19 December 2022
5 June 2023
Mark Holst-Mikkelsen
6 March 2023
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.
As a leader, you can't achieve your strategic goals by executing all strategic initiatives yourself. You rely on your teams and their ability to perform. To get teams to perform at their peak, you must trust them to do things without your...
How are today's leaders approaching strategy execution and strategic governance? And how can technology change and improve how we plan and execute our goals? In this blog, I will look at how to achieve important long-term goals by prioritizing in a...
Vision, mission, and value statements define a company's DNA. Yet many companies take the job of formulating them lightly. Also, there seems to be some confusion about the understanding and definition of terms, especially regarding mission and...
When you design a strategy your first goal should be to create one that is ready for implementation and execution. Consequently, you must build it in a logical hierarchy, like a chart of accounts for your finances.
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was vastly more complex than aircraft that came before. Getting it into production required not only a plan, but a whole new way of thinking for business strategy.
In a crisis it’s not enough to have a plan — you need to know how to execute it as well
Organizational alignment (a position of agreement or alliance) occurs when the whole organization works toward a common goal. Everyone in the organization must have a common understanding of the mission, values, vision and strategy. In...
Before diving into the strategic frameworks I’d like to share a little story as all the new tools for formulating an organizational strategy remind us of the Bible story about the Tower of Babel:
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.