What’s a Weighted Decision Matrix?
31 October 2022
31 October 2022
19 December 2022
5 June 2023
Mark Holst-Mikkelsen
6 March 2023
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.
An interesting phenomenon occurs when organizations fail to align strategic priorities across business units. Each department becomes so hyperfocused on its own objectives that it resists sharing information with anyone else. This silo mentality can...
Whether it’s a military campaign of global implications or the U13’s tilt at the local soccer trophy, strategy will define success.
Digital transformation is a crucial step for any organization in any industry. The seven steps outlined in this article help you prepare and initiate a robust and effective execution management process for your digital strategy development. In...
I recently met with a small-business owner wƒho’s had a particularly troublesome year. An important project was running significantly behind schedule and considerably over budget. His team was tapped out, grumpy and tired, openly complaining about...
Major digital strategy trends are emerging in the way strategy is formulated, executed, and governed. In 2023 and beyond, traditional ways of working with strategy will give way to a totally different set of processes, measurements, reporting, and...
Working together as a team is one of the most important catalysts for success for any organization. The foundations for good teamwork are trust, commitment, accountability, the right level of conflict, and a strong focus on results. However, if a...
In today’s Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world, the way leaders manage their strategy process becomes ever more important. Yet as this importance grows, we are still faced with the gloomy picture painted by research, that three out of...
Strategies come in endless variations, that is their beauty, fascination and vast potential. It can also be their complication. Strategies are crucial to all facets of business and target things such as launching a new product, recruiting best...
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.