What’s a Weighted Decision Matrix?
31 October 2022
31 October 2022
19 December 2022
5 June 2023
Mark Holst-Mikkelsen
6 March 2023
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.
In my previous blog, I outlined important principles of aligning teams around clear goals. An important element was to establish a clear line of sight to each goal. I also mentioned that a team’s line of sight is usually clear after sufficient...
SWOT Analysis. It is one of those things that people have heard of and, on a surface level, feel they know something about. However, given closer consideration they might realize their knowledge on the subject is not quite what it might be
In May 2023, DecideAct hosted an online event on the importance of having strong governance of processes, controls, and data collection to support ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategy execution. The keynote speaker was Henrik Jensen,...
The conference on utility strategies in a geopolitical crisis underlined that the sector faces many challenges and great uncertainty. But with stable processes of change, there are also many opportunities to emerge stronger on the other side of the...
During the Covid pandemic, some companies went under while others delivered exceptional results. This prompted the non-profit Brightline Initiative to research the phenomenon to understand what happens during crises, what successful organizations...
The forthcoming EU NIS2 Directive aims to raise levels of cybersecurity and secure infrastructure and critical services against disruptions and cyber threats through a high, uniform level of cyber and information security across the EU. Indeed, the...
Political developments in different parts of the world may affect critical infrastructure in Denmark. Geopolitics, security, and energy (GSE) have become increasingly high on the agenda in the last 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Supply...
In Part 1 of this blob, former Toronto Mayor David Miller explained that the battle against climate can be fought out in the world’s biggest cities where the effects of climate change can be drastic, but climate solutions can also be found.
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable authors in the field of business strategy, ready to offer valuable insights and practical solutions to your company's strategic challenges.