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Why Is Goal Alignment So Important For Strategy Execution?

DecideAct Strategy Execution Software

In my previous blog, I outlined important principles of aligning teams around clear goals. An important element was to establish a clear line of sight to each goal. I also mentioned that a team’s line of sight is usually clear after sufficient discussion and alignment around the goals. However, this is more complicated for large organizations. Therefore I’ll explore here how to align the whole organization around shared objectives.

What is alignment? 

It’s just human nature to need a clear purpose for our actions. Not just any purpose will do; it must also align with our values—and group alignment is only possible if we share common values around the goal. If the reason you pursue a goal doesn’t relate to your core values, you’ll lack the motivation to go the extra mile. And if team members’ values clash (product quality vs. production speed, for example), their priorities will too.

Everyone must be clear about their role in achieving the objective—and the DecideAct platform illustrates this brilliantly. Connectivity between teams and team members helps them coordinate their activities like a symphony orchestra.

Goal alignment and cascading 

Let’s say your sales force consists of three salespersons and the goal is to increase sales by 100 units. Your sales manager is clearly accountable for delivering the extra 100 units. He then cascades the goal down a level, assigning sub-goals to each sales person (e.g., 30/30/40). All is well! Not necessarily.

When the team mindset is absent and individual sales goals (that may or may not be reasonable to achieve individually) are all that’s left, your team—and their productivity—will suffer. Whether it’s your sales team or the entire organization, everyone is interconnected and it’s vital be sure these interconnections are strong.


The missing links

Discussing your plans and welcoming input are the first steps to team alignment. That step is often overlooked or neglected; the resulting team misalignment means the project always suffers.

Playing a beautiful symphony requires the musicians’ desire to participate, their understanding of their roles, regular practise and preparation, and instant feedback during the performance. In the organizational setting, constant and reliable feedback requires a great communications system.

The DecideAct strategy execution management platform makes interconnections clear to all stakeholders. It helps create real alignment, not just verbal agreement to the plan.

Goal Alignment in Action

When your organization’s goals become your team members’ goals, success is within everyone’s grasp!

If you need any support with aligning your team in preparation for you strategy execution, we love to hear from you. Book a Free Intro Session Here


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