Strategy professor Mark Greeven and DecideAct in collaboration

World leading strategy professor at IMD, Mark Greeven, becomes DecideAct’s thinker partner to collaborate on the company's business ecosystem.
DecideAct is going to collaborate with Mark Greeven, strategy professor at IMD, on digital ecosystems. As Professor of Innovation and Strategy at IMD, he has been collaborating with innovative Chinese companies and entrepreneurial multinationals to explore novel ways of organizing, accelerating corporate innovation and designing business ecosystems to thrive on uncertainty.
DecideAct offers a world-class digital platform that supports strategy development via informed decision-making and action tracking, resulting in absolute organizational effectiveness. CEO Flemming Videriksen says: “Mark will become DecideAct’s thinker partner to collaborate on our business ecosystem.”
Videriksen continues: “Our business ecosystem is the entire network of players involved in delivering our product and services to our clients. Our field is a particularly dynamic one, and Mark’s in-depth knowledge will help us realize our goal to become the world’s leading brand in Strategy Execution Management.”
Mark Greeven states: “It is my pleasure to collaborate with the promising digital venture DecideAct to bring the power of ecosystems to the world of business.”
About Mark Greeven: