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DecideAct launches new growth activities with budget-friendly, AI-powered strategy execution platform
DecideAct is now introducing a new free trial AI-powered version of its cloud-based Strategy Execution Management platform, designed for simplicity and accessibility for small teams and large organizations. With an easy-to-use online sign-up process...
Operations are prioritized over change in most companies
A new global study of maturity in strategy execution is presented for the first time in an easy-to-read report. Among other things, the report uncovers what strategically successful organizations do differently. It also highlights the link between...
DecideAct lancerer ny ambitiøs plan
Tech-virksomheden DecideAct iværksætter nu en plan baseret på fem milepæle: etablering af et internt salgsteam, center for customer success management, marketing-automation, online konvertering af salg, herunder automatiseret onboarding, og...
White Paper sheds light on the new paradigm
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